Wednesday 10 August 2016

mind blowing facts

1. Destroying bacteria and skin blemishes
      The use of honey can be used to kill bacteria and skin blemishes on the skin, by rubbing honey on the skin overnight.

2. Getting rid of bug bite
     The use of your fingers to make ‘X’ on a bug bite can make the itch go away.

3. Getting rid of the inner itch feeling
      Having an itch or an obsession in your throat? The effect of eating a piece of cucumber can help cool down your throat and will instantly stop the inner itchy feeling in your throat.

4. The CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome)
      Have you ever had of the computer vision syndrome? Are you having serious irritation caused by it? I my self-experienced some side effects of this syndrome. It’s caused by too much exposure to big screens like television, laptop screen and other gadgets which produces lights (like shining a torch at your eye). A big time solution has been evented it is called the 20-20-20 rule. The 20-20-20 rule means to take a break for 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

5. Sweat stains
     Having sweat stains problems? Sweat stains on your clothes can be very annoying and embarrassing for people who sweat too much. You can stop this by using party liners to stop this.

6. Jeans not staying in your boots.
     Do you find that your jeans are not staying in your boots? Use mitten clips on your boots? Use mitten clips on the bottom of your pants to hold them in place.

7. Deodorant stains
    You pick out an outfit, get ready for the day, and look really cute. That is when you look down and notice the deodorant stains on your shirt. Oh, don’t worry, there is no need to change, remove the deodorant marks with baby wipes, isn’t this so easy.

8. Bad breath
    Ever noticed that distance your friends keep away from you when you talk? Or you are aware your breath is bad, but you don’t have any through friend to open up to? Why bother when you can just lick your wrist then smell it. Now you can know when you have bad breath without anyone telling you. So easy, I use this every day and find it very helpful.

9. A little tip in saving money
   Do you have money? Are you that rich? Do you want to save your money? Hope you have heard the effects of divorce. It if you think you are that rich embark on divorce with your wife, then your riches or wealth will be divided into two. Let’s see if you can live with that. ‘’stay married to keep your wealth’’

7 Sites That I Found Really Useful

     Ever wondered where you can get any pc game with great graphics for free without any charges. Oceansofgames has always been my number one site for download pc games. This site also provides awesome tutorial videos for those having problems during installation and after installation of your game. It clearly states the system requirements of the game you are about to download. For those wondering where can I get games that one sees people playing on play station 3 or 4 that are on pc, go to this Oceansofgames and it will provide you will these games just like Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 and Grand Theft Auto 5. It also provides games that will soon be released, such as Pro Evolution Soccer 2017. It also provides cool write ups on the games also.

         Wow! Ever since I discovered this site 4 years ago, I have never had problems downloading any pc software of any category for free. It offers previous versions of different software with an app that instantly integrates into your system, providing you with notifications on apps that need instant updates. It provides news, articles and relevant facts you need to know.
    This site is like a sister to oceansofgames, it provides more software than filehippo, with more description. One amazing thing about this site is that, it provides latest operating systems for pc for instant download. It provides latest editions of windows 10, and mac OS.

   Flux provides free widgets that adjust the lightening of your screen, depending on the time you set in the preferences, so you are no longer staring at a flashlight pointing towards your face, as to reduce the effect computer vision syndrome.   

5. Scrild
    Amazed by what this site provides. Scrild is the Netflix for E-books. With a simple monthly payment, you can read as many books as you would like in their library, where they have hundreds of thousands of books available.

6. Twofolds
    Are you hungry? Do you have more than one food in your mind? Is it difficult for you to pick a meal to cook for you to eat? This simple websites allows you to type in the two different foods you are debating and they provide you with the nutritional information of each dish.

7. Rype
    Ever wanted to learn Spanish? Rype offers unlimited one-on-one lessons (in Spanish only right now), live online classes and premium video lessons, for a simple membership. 

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