Sunday 14 August 2016

Open Your Eyes to the World of Scamming

By Chidi Marvel
Writer and author of this article @
‘’Open Your Eyes to the World of Scamming’’
     Is so unfortunate to be poor, there are countries on this Earth that are not economically stable; due to the economic instability of these places scamming has become the order of the day. Let’s cut the chase and see how the game plays.
      Actually my plight was to fall into it but I didn’t know how I overcame it. May be you can do so.  One of the most expensive crimes carried out the society today is fraud. It’s one of the crimes endured by people every year. It’s hard to escape, because scammers will find you anywhere on the internet, at the car dealership and certainly in the streets. This article will show you the causes and different ways people scam each other. Scamming in this society is mostly within the young fellows all over the world. This activity has tremendously increased within two months due to the economic situation in Nigerian.  
      OMG Peer influence has plunged many people into scamming and fraud. When one sees his mates have made it successfully, this burning desire of quick wealth enthralls into his system yeah it’s like a gift; then the desire to scam people begins. The activities of successful scammers have a negative impact by the rapid movement of crime(’’note I am not teaching you to become a successful scammer but how to escape it’’) Let me show you how a scammer always think and talks to his peers;                             

‘’John I will make it in life before you, I will build houses and buy cars before you’’, in reply I said ‘’ it’s not how you start but how you end it’’.

     This is how they think, how to show their mates that they are the bosses of huzzling, am pretty sure of their awareness that this money won’t last forever, because that desire that of working hard to earn this money wasn’t there; like I said above                                       

‘’it’s just like a gift to them from another person’s hard work’’.
       They won’t save it or invest on it, instead spend it on thrifty or lavishly The first and utmost important fact that I presume one should know about a scammer is that they make tremendous effort to satisfy their desire; it can be love, sex, money and other cool stuff.
      The number one social media used by scammers is Facebook; most users involved in this act possess more than one account on Facebook with fake account details. Scammers create fake male and female account and upload attractive pictures with cool and attractive personalities. Most of them provide incomplete details and less information on Facebook with few pictures on Facebook. They victimized people that have money on Facebook and people that ready to believe their lies on Facebook. When I asked a scammer one day, why they do this he replied

‘’ we help those people who don’t know how to spend their money on Facebook to spend it well’’,
     Can you see that, I call this (rotten consciousness down to the soul) this is the way they look at stealing of people’s money on social media. Most of the victimized countries are those who use dollars and pounds, based on the fact that when dollars and pounds are converted to naira, the money is pretty big enough to carry out pretty cool stuff.
‘’Think about how you feel when all the money you have invested was stolen by a scammer’’
      Another method used to scam people on Facebook is the illuminati confraternity. Some Nigerians open profiles on Facebook named illuminati; based on the fact that they are aware of the fact people wants to join this confraternity on Facebook they used this method to scam people, by telling them things by for the initiation ceremony in this confraternity, although am not a member of illuminati, some one that is intelligent will know that joining the confraternity is absolutely free for anyone. So don’t be a victim of this scam used to deceive people.. Don’t know if you are aware but a scammer will tell you to pay a certain amount of money to some items from illuminati in order to be part of this confraternity.
         Most scammers have inputted their activities into online selling on online selling websites like;                      
        I know some folks will be wondering how, but like I said before ‘’inner desire of people’’. Who in this life don’t want to buy something for free or at reduced cost online. People are dying for all this kind of stuff online and all this websites has been infiltrated with scammers. Some examples: I saw a refurbished INFINITI jeep on for 0 naira. So funny, and immediately I placed an order I was called instantly to pay for it, not only that, someone placed an HP EXYNOS i7 laptop on for 35000 naira. One supreme thing one should never do on any of these sites is ‘’payment before delivery’’.
        Last method I have witness on Facebook is fake job appointment on Facebook. There is no one that will give you a job appointment on Facebook. Scammers on Facebook make posts on job vacancy available on companies that don’t exist, click to apply for this job appointment. Since you and I know the outbreak of unemployment in Nigeria, most people click on it and provide their details with contact address. When they are called, they are told to make some payments to given accounts to process their documents and different kinds of convincing lies.
        So for those who are thinking about scamming, don’t embark on it. It’s absolutely dangerous, if you are caught, you will be assigned to serve some jail term for fraud. Go to school if you don’t have the opportunity to go school, start handwork, make your own money, so that when you spend it, you will be proud of yourself and be contented. Because when you are contented you will know how to save your money. I hope after reading this, you will be enlightened and also enlighten others.
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