warned not to feed Dog like Prince George did

LONDON- a cute picture of bare foot Prince George feeding his pet
Spaniel Lupo an ice cream warmed his fan’s hearts on the little royal’s third
But not everyone was happy.
Animal welfare organizations have expressed concerns about a treat
that may contain both dairy items, which are tough to dog digestive tracts, and
chocolate, which is highly toxic for our canine friends.
The RSPCA, the animal welfare community warned other children not
to follow Prince George example:
It is lovely that Prince George is trying to help keep his family dog, Lupo cool in these
high temperatures,’’ the organization statement said.
We would advise people to be cautious when giving their dogs food
meant for human consumption as some items, like chocolate can be highly toxic
to dogs and dairy items can be difficult for them to digest.
“instead of ice-cream we would suggest making an ice-lolly from
pet friendly ingredients. Making these can be really fun for children and the
end product is both safe and enjoyable for dogs.”
People on twitter had immoderate reactions:
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